Progressive Bihar - Finally the sleeping giant is waking up

Progressive Bihar - Finally the sleeping giant is waking up
Progressive Bihar - Come support it's growth path.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Bihar has started becoming a role model

The Punjab government, impressed with Bihar's Super - 30 programme to train rural/economically weak aspirants for IITs, is set to replicate the model in Punjab.

While this was not so much of a government initiate, I still felt happy reading about this news as this is one of the first of the many times to come where Bihar will become a role model for other states to follow.

The detailed news can be read at Punjab to copy Bihar model for rural IIT aspirants


  1. Nice Story and I m very impress, My city is celebrating its 50 years annversary year 2010 take a look

  2. Even Tamil Nadu and chattisgarh want to adopt this model now :-)
